Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

It's Not ALL Beer 'n' Skittles at the Holiday Inn Express

There's been no hot water all day and the public spaces are very cold, with the front desk staff all bundled up in coats and such.  It seems the central boiler system went on the fritz and an emergency call has been placed to the contractor.  My room is all cozy warm because all the rooms have an individual heating/AC unit... but we would like a shower.  The prognosis ain't all that rosy, tho.  The front desk lady told me "We hope to have it fixed today."  Well, I hope so too.

Speaking of showers and such... we've prolly spent an aggregate six hours soaking in the tub since our arrival here at the HIE.  This one fact is edging me ever closer to a fixed address with amenities I've lived without for too long now.

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