Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Nest, Sweet Nest

Well, my flamingos have found nice comfy places to roost but it remains to be seen if these are permanent nests.  I have a feeling these birds will move around a bit.  They have names now, too.

Sledge seems to have an affinity for my teevee.  Mebbe it's because it's warm there and you know flamingos like warm places.  Sledge is a girl, by the way, and has no inkling about QVC or the Home Shopping Network.  Yet.  She does like Animal Planet a lot, though.

Percy, on the other hand, seems to be less flighty and made of sterner stuff, the kinda bird who needs a purpose in life beyond bein' just another pretty beak.  He's taken on the responsibility of guarding my Very Important Papers, which are filed in the order they're received and thrown neatly stored in my upstairs filing cabinet.  I'm thinkin' Percy might invite Sledge in when the lights go out.  I hope they're quiet about those sorta things; I need my beauty sleep.

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