Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Well, OK. What-evah.

We're up at the crack o' noon again today and we're finishin' up our second cup after readin' the overnight mail and such.  We also took a quick look at SiteMeter and see someone from P-Ville paid us a visit earlier this morning.  I'm always curious about how folks get here, especially my fellow P-villians.  This person did a Google search on "portales blogpost" and did his homework either before or after dropping in to EIP... what with reading what the News-Tribune had to say about me, as well as checking out my Technorati ranking  (I know this because Google changes the colors of the links on the search page, indicating which have been read).

I hadn't been to Technorati in quite a while so I went and looked, too.  Here's what I saw:

Well, now.  They've added a "hockey authority" ranking and you can see I'm the 134th bestest hockey blog in Technorati's universe.  That may sound cool (note EIP is #7245 out of the bazillion or so blogs on the planet) but I'm 134 out of 158 when it comes to hockey, which ain't cool at all.  I looked at some of the other blogs ranked above me in this space and see there are a couple of spam-blogs with higher rankings.  So much for Technorati, eh?

OTOH... they may be right.  Which is why I bought this shirt:

Heh.  Self-Promotion Я Us... to no avail.

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