Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Spiritual Weirdness

Well, I'm still here, the ground didn't open up, and I've read no reports of catastrophic earthquakes of the sort Mr. Camping predicted anywhere on the globe.  It might could be I've been Left Behind... there's always that possibility.  Or, in my particular case, that certainty... were I of the Christian persuasion.  But I'm not, so there's that.  I'll not go off on any theological tangents, even though I AM tempted.  Fer instance: about two-thirds of the world's people aren't Christian.  Would they be Left Behind?  Well, yes.  But would they CARE?  I don't think so.  I'll quit while I'm ahead. 

Speaking of Spiritual Weirdness... I stumbled on to an on-line tarot reading site today and asked it a question, just for grins and giggles.  I was shocked at the answer (click to embiggen):

My question was a variation on the ever-popular "does she love me?" theme (I'll provide no details beyond that, Gentle Reader).  Imagine my surprise.  
Resolution comes with a new beginning. Be open to all the twists and curves in the road ahead. Be ready for wonderful surprises. Be open-hearted, innocent, trusting and spontaneous. Take a risk! Before you is a brand new adventure — the chance for a fresh start and endless possibilities.
Well, OK.  We'll not delve too deeply here (yet again), but let's just say I've been ready for wonderful surprises for one whole helluva long time now... not to mention the fact we're open-hearted, innocent, trusting, yadda, yadda.  And here I thought Mr. Camping was weird.

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