Jumat, 31 Desember 2010


We haven't gone on about this as much as we have in years past...

... and there's a reason: we DON'T like The Boy Wonder who plays for the Flightless Birds.  As a matter of fact, we don't much like the Flightless Birds, period.  So there's that.  I also have issues with the over-hyped and patently stoopid "rivalry" between Ovechkin and Wonder Boy created by the PR flacks at NHL HQ.  Just STFU, already.  So... we have our reasons.

There's some big competition for my viewing eyes in this time slot tomorrow, too.  I dearly wanna see State give 'Bama an ass-whuppin', so I'll prolly be back and forth between the football game and the Winter Classic after all is said and done.  The smart money is on 'Bama, to be sure, but we have our loyalties.  And our hopes.

In the meantime... I'm experiencing GREAT personal satisfaction and extreme gratification as we speak.  Which is to say:  ND 30, Miami (ptui!) 3.  So, for all you ND haters out there:   you STFU, too.  Insert big-ass smiley thingie here.

Update, 1530 hrs.  This just in:
PITTSBURGH (December 31, 2010) – The National Hockey League announced today the 2011 Bridgestone NHL Winter Classic will change the original 1 p.m. (ET) start time on New Year’s Day to 8 p.m. (ET).  The decision was based on the latest meteorological reports, which have advised an approaching front of potentially steady rain expected to fall through the afternoon and taper off by early evening, and after consultation with the Pittsburgh Penguins, the Washington Capitals, national broadcast partners (NBC, CBC, RDS), the Pittsburgh Steelers, the National Hockey League Players’ Association, and local officials. 

We have been further advised that cooler and drier air conditions are expected in the evening with the passing of the front.  The NHL feels that it was important to make this announcement at this time so as to minimize the inconvenience to all parties associated with the event, especially our fans. 
Well, that's one problem solved.  At the expense of another one.  We remain undecided as to who we should root for in THAT game.  Buckeye hatred dies hard.

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