Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

This Is Neither Work Safe Nor for Those of a Prudish Nature

A couple o' few days ago a female correspondent of mine sent along the video below.  I've thought long and hard (heh) about putting this up on the blog, given as how another female correspondent of mine didn't find this funny at all, stating she only went ten seconds into the vid before she quit viewing, adding "Ick."  (Long parenthetical snarky observation: I have more to say about THAT particular expression, given as how I feel "Ick" is just barely appropriate or tolerable in four year olds but much less so in adults.  As a matter of fact, the expression is absolutely INtolerable in adults and we COULD go on.  And on.  But leave us not digress.)

So here's George, a 68 year old Brit, going on in a VERY explicit and detailed manner about the inanimate love of his life (actual naughty bits are pixelated, i.e., censored, but it's the subject matter that's NSFW):

So, OK.  On the one hand I find this pretty danged funny.  OTOH it's pretty damned sad.  On the other, other hand George is a very honest... not to mention creative... sort.  On the other, other, other hand George's P-Shopped photo albums are positively WEIRD if not creepy.  This is prolly a classic case of TMI to boot.  But Hey, it's a Brave New World.

Thoughts, if any?

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