Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

"Just Wait a Moment, It'll Change..."

That's the WX mantra I've heard everywhere I've ever lived in my lifetime, bar none.  The interesting thing is the fact the locals all seem to think this is some sort of original thought, something that is unique and special about their lil corner of heaven.  News flash:  it's NOT.

So we were freezin' our nether parts off yesterday (scroll down just two posts and you'll see).  Today is more like a normal mid-December day on The High Plains of New Mexico, until Sheik  al-Gore's avenging angels of Anthropomorphic Global Warming come around for an extended visit... a few days!... beginning tomorrow.  Witness:

Wow!  In the immortal words of Small-Tee tim, who had something entirely different in mind, i.e.,  foot upon foot of snow:  Bring. It. On!  Yep.  I loves me some AGW!


Today is the first weekend of college ball withdrawal and I'm managing to cope with the drought fairly well.  Yeah, I know.  There IS some football on, if'n ya wanna call it that.  I'm speaking of...
Brigham Young vs. UTEP*
Northern Illinois vs. Fresno State*

Ohio vs. Troy*
Ummm... thanks, but no thanks.  The last two bowls have the most imaginative names, eh?  What the HELL is a "uDROVE?"  And how/why is it "humanitarian?"  I suppose this might fall into the stuff-I-don't-really-wanna-know category.  

While we're on the subject, there's this in the general "get off my lawn!" category: commercial bowl names SUCK.  If some really benevolent philanthropist wants to do some REAL good in this world they'd step up and endow every major bowl game in these United States... by that I mean pay ALL the expense of putting on the game... on the condition they'd foreswear commercial endorsements in perpetutity.  I freakin' cringe (worse, actually.  I swear a lot.) whenever I see "Tostitos BCS National Championship Game" or "The Rose Bowl presented by Vizio."

Get OFF my fucking lawn!  (I told ya I swear a lot.)

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