Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Well, It's Just ME...

... but this is why I hold Facebook in contempt:
World Moments
Whether it be the tragedy of the Haitian earthquake or the heroic rescue of the Chilean miners ("mineros" in Spanish), global news events captured the world's attention. People shared their collective sadness, concern and hope. Some even let the world know what was happening on the ground in Haiti and Chile.

The world came together for the World Cup, with as many as a half of all status updates referring to the competition at some points during the games.

Say What?
While HMU made its debut, it wasn't the only digital vernacular to make the list. Talk about "airplanes" surged this year, not because people suddenly discovered travel but because they were citing lyrics from the hugely popular song "Airplanes" by B.o.B. "Barn raising" was the most popular phrase for the Games category as gamers on Facebook asked their friends to help them out on FarmVille.

Bieber Fever
Popular culture also shaped people's conversations with each other. Justin Bieber fans couldn't keep their enthusiasm to themselves, making him the only musician on the list. As popular movies such as "Toy Story 3" and "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" premiered, friends shared their opinions. And who didn't want to look hip by telling their friends about their new iPad or iPhone 4?
That would be an analysis of the top Faceboook memes for 2010.  Can you say "vapid?"  Sure ya can!

I know, I know... it's a great way to make and maintain contact with long-lost buddies, buy a cow or two, and all that.  And Sarah Palin can be your friend!

Update, 1240 hrs:  Both CNN and Fox News have articles about this stunning visualization of global Facebook connections:

That's a screen-shot (click for larger, of course) of a portion of the high-res graphic you can see here.  The accompanying article is interesting, as well.  I guess ya can't argue with 500 million people worldwide, can ya?

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