Minggu, 20 Maret 2011


Spring is officially here... or it will be soon, what with the official arrival date bein' March 20 at 2321 hrs GMT.  That's close enough for gub'mint work, I suppose, and we consider ournearlyfineself to be a gub'mint employee of sorts, seein' as how we subsist largely (tho not completely) on a military pension and the largess of you taxpayers who contribute to my monthly Social Security stipend.  And we are grateful to you.  Yes we ARE.

But we digress, as is our wont.  The ornamental cherry tree directly outside El Casa Móvil De Pennington burst into bloom yesterday and is festooned with these things as we speak:

Full disclosure: that's an old pic from an old post, but it IS an accurate representation of what is on the cherry tree at the moment.  The fact is we are not fully caffeinated as yet and can't be troubled to go outdoors and snap a new picture in the service of truth and journalistic accuracy.  Such is the nature of journalism in this day and age... even citizen-journalists take the odd liberty with facts and circumstances now.  What IS this world comin' to?

I did notice a rather strange thing when searching the archives for this pic: the cherry tree bloomed on the third of March back in 2009 and didn't bloom at all in 2008.  Mother Nature is sure one fickle bitch.

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