Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Heh and Feelin' the Love

The usual source has all sorts o' toons about The One and his new-found bellicosity, mostly centered around his latest Obamateurism: "kinetic military action."  But this is the toon that caught my eye and made me grin:

Heh.  I really like Mr. Kelley.


Lest you go off thinkin' all is lost with our younger generation, let me share this cool lil note I received from Grandson Sean this morning:
I read your post about Alligator Records and immediately went to Grooveshark and found an album similar. It isn't the 40th anniversary but it's the 30th so it's close enough. I think it's great so far. I haven't listened to the whole set yet but I think I'll like it.
See?  All is NOT lost!


Amazon loves me, too.  I wish they didn't love me as quite as much as they do, tho, coz this crap could get expensive after a while: 

I'm thinkin' the Big Head Todd album looks pretty good...  God help me.

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