Selasa, 01 Maret 2011


I'm being checked-out at Wally-World a few minutes ago and I've got the usual load o' crap... a half dozen eggs, a pound o' bacon, loaf o' bread, bag o' salad, three limes, a couple of frozen entrees, 12-pack of Sam Adams, yadda, yadda... ya know, the usual.  Sweet Young Thang looks at me and sez... 

"You're single, aren't ya?"

"Well, yeah," sez I.  ""What gave ya the first clue?"

"You're really fuckin' ugly," sez she.

Badda-da-boomp.  She really wasn't a Sweet Young Thang, she was a fat 'n' frumpy old broad who visibly turned up her nose as she scanned my beer.  Which reminded me of that old joke...


What's up with this?  Last week I got a love note from DoD... the Defense Finance and Accounting folks, to be exact... notifying me that federal withholding increased and my USAF retirement check would be lighter by 32 Yankee Dollars this month and forever, or until the next COLA kicks in.  Didn't The One tell me I should be thanking him for lowering my taxes?  Did he LIE to me?  How is that possible?


Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack is gonna be mostly country blues... and we'll begin with this:

This is yet another tune that makes us go waaay back... back to when I was caught up in a dead-end love affair.  This song was the first single off the first MTB album released in 1973, which is egg-zactly when my heart was ripped out of my chest and stomped on... hard.  "That woman" really did a number on me so the song was fuel for many a late-night "cryin' in my beer" sessions.  The song stayed with me and STILL evokes some bittersweet memories of Former Happy Days, Part One.  Hell, Part Two... as well.

"Can't You See" remains one of the best country blues tunes EVER recorded.  That's my (not so) humble opinion but I realize YMMV, Gentle Reader.

Beer me!

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