Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

It's Always SUMTHIN', Part IX

Pretty soon we'll have all our major systems replaced here at El Casa Móvil De Pennington, as it seems like I'm running out of things that break and/or wear out.  Last night it was our furnace... the blower motor quit blowing.  And the blower motor is indeed gone, as verified by Andy the RV Doctor a few minutes ago.  I suppose this sorta thing is to be expected, as nothing is forever... especially where machines are concerned.  The good news is the furnace should be repaired by tomorrow evening.  The BEST news is the furnace waited to fail until the weather warmed up considerably.

But Hey!  This is all small stuff compared to events elsewhere in the world, eh?


Speaking of those events... Blog-Bud Deb sends along a link to a NY Times feature with a series of before and after satellite images of the Japan tsunami devastation.  A couple o' screen caps:


What makes these images unusual is you can slide the cursor over the images for the before and after contrast.  I'm still having difficulty comprehending the extent of the damage; the continuing teevee coverage of this event has been heartbreaking.

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