Senin, 28 Maret 2011

This Just In...

Well, I'M just in... from the day's errands.  We picked up our eye-meds at the Cannon Airplane Patch pharmacy, registered for our surgery at Roosevelt County General, got The Green Hornet washed, whipped into the Cannon Class VI for some beer, and just generally gallivanted all over the countryside... not in that particular order, of course.  In so doin' we noticed the redbud trees are in full-bloom and they are a LOVERLY sight.  We don't have near as many of 'em here on The High Plains of New Mexico as there are in... say... Oklahoma, where everybody and their Mom seems to have a redbud tree or three in their yard.   That said, they ARE the loveliest of trees and even give the cherry blossoms a run for the money.  One of these days I'll remember to take the camera with me on my various and sundry outings; the picture you see comes from a generic Google image search.  It'll just have to do.

So... this morning we reviewed the pre-surgery literature given to us by our fine eye-surgeon and were shocked to find words to the effect of "no alcohol for 24 hours prior to surgery or 24 hours after."  Say WHAT?  I think that's asking just a bit much, don't you?  I'm also thinkin' what my eye-surgeon doesn't know won't hurt her... or me either, for that matter.  There are just some places we will NOT go and El Casa Móvil De Pennington is NOT a beer-free zone now, nor shall it ever be.  I'd rather frickin' DIE first.

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