Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

It's Always SUMTHIN', Part VIII (Failing Body Parts Division)

We're just back from spending some quality time with our optometrist in The Big(ger) City™ and he confirmed what I suspected: I need cataract surgery.  In both eyes.  This doesn't come as any great shock to the system as I was told I had cataracts at my last eye appointment a year and a half ago.  But I had noticed my vision was deteriorating, so we made today's appointment to get our confirmation.

So... we go in for our preliminary workups on the 21st, with surgery to follow at some point in the future.  Yet another adventure in growing old... which ain't for sissies, as we all know.

Just in passing: the return trip from Clovis was semi-exciting.  You know how your eyes get all blurry for a couple o' hours after you've had them dilated for your exam?  Well, it's worse when you have cataracts.  But we made it home and we're enjoyin' the last of the Sammy Adams variety pack.  It's quite nice outdoors, too... but my eyes can't take the sunlight right now.  It's always SUMTHIN'.

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