Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

In Which We Give Props to Our Dental Professionals

Well, the message on this card is certainly appropriate coz we DO love our dentist and his wonderful staff, as you Gentle Readers who have been with me a while know very well.  I make that last statement because we have documented our extensive experience with Dr. Thompson... over eight years' worth, the biggest parts of which began here and ended here... a two-year Adventure In Modern Dentistry that involved multiple surgeries, bone grafts, and culminated in the placement of five dental implants.  It was all worth it, though, as my quality of life has improved considerably since the project was completed.  Read that as: I eat like a normal person now.  

So, the very brief and heartfelt testimonial aside (you want more? there's a lot more!), I thought all y'all might like to see the shining faces of Dr. Thompson and his staff (the Lovely Victoria, my hygienist, is at top right).  Aren't they the living definition of "Beautiful People?"  They're the very best at what they do, too.  You can take that to the bank.


Emergencies, like beauty, are in the eye of the beholder.  That said, Obama has been lookin' particularly stupid of late.


I know this is gettin' old, Gentle Reader, and I know for a fact you prolly don't give a big rat's ass about MY weather.  But there's this:

Full disclosure:  I chose the reporting location that always overstates the case for effect.  This station is usually above the reported temp at Cannon Airplane Patch by five degrees or so, but this time it's at least ten.  Our real temp at 1200 hrs was 101 degrees with five percent relative humidity.  These triple digit temps are beginning to get a bit old but it beats the HELL outta this shit.

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

A Minor Observation

One of the best things about my vision since cataract surgery is how much cleaner El Casa Móvil de Pennington appears to be.  That's because my eyes were corrected for distance vision and things in the middle distance and close-up are less than distinct.  So, one can conveniently ignore... or fail to see... the accumulation of "stuff" on the floor and elsewhere in one's daily life.  Until one leaves one's reading glasses on and walks into the Little Room to take a leak, that is.

Zounds.  I've been in cleaner gas station rest rooms.  Seriously.

So, it's 20 minutes later and we now have a sparkling bathroom.  My DIL... who keeps an immaculate house... must have been horrified when she came to visit a couple o' weeks ago.  Or mebbe not: the standard greeting guests get when they enter the premises is "don't look down."  There's more reason than ever for that warning these days and I'm beginning to think I really need a maid.

Just a Couple o' Thangs

Kitty Update:  (I KNOW.  I said I wouldn't, but I sometimes lie misspeak.)   I think something terrible happened to the four kittens that hang around El Casa Móvil de Pennington.  Mama Cat was acting very distraught last evening during After Dinner Whiskey Hour, meowing ceaselessly and repeatedly making wide circles around the entire area, with nary a kitten in sight.  That's a shame, if true, coz the kittens have been a never-ending source of entertainment this past week.  Mama Cat has been bringing birds for the kitties to devour every night for the past few (and LOTS of 'em, Mama Cat bein' quite the accomplished huntress; no dumpster soup kitchen for HER) and watching those going-ons have been supremely entertaining... even if the neighbor's yard looks like the aftermath of an explosion in a pillow factory.  We're talkin' a LOT of dead bird carcasses.  

It's middling strange I should feel so bad about this, given the cat-hating image I have to uphold.  Old Age has had the strangest effect on me.

Weather Update:  The Weather Deity At Hand is smiling upon us as our winds haven't picked up and our awning is deployed.  But it IS hot!

I see the forecast has been updated to reflect more misery is upon us for the foreseeable future.  We're also gonna set a record high today, but I suppose this is what I get for bein' an Anthropomorphic Global Warming Climate Change Denier.  Somewhere Algore is laughing his considerable ass off.

Update, 1350 hrs:  Do they LIE?

I think mebbe.

Weird Al Is BACK!

Too frickin' cool...

Now I've never seen a Lady Gaga performance (no fuckin' geezer jokes, mmmkay?) but I have it on good authority this spoof is spot-on.

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

File This Under "Miss Me Yet?"

The President addressing the 10th Mountain Division today at Fort Drum:

"First time I saw 10th Mountain Division, you guys were in southern Iraq. When I went back to visit Afghanistan, you guys were the first ones there.
I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously."

As we all know, SSG Sal Giunta, of the 173rd Airborne, was the first living recipient (2011) of the MOH who fought in Iraq/Afganistan. SFC Jared Monti, 10th Mountain Division, was KIA in Afghanistan in 2006. He was posthumously awarded the MOH by Obama in 2009.
Can you imagine Dubya making such a statement?  Neither can I.  I don't like Obama, I don't like his politics, but I respect the office of the president.  That said, this gaffe offends me to my very core.  Say what you will about President Bush but the man would NEVER make an error as grievous as this.  Period.  Obama is worse than a fuckin' joke... the man is not worthy of the position he holds.

(h/t: Mean Ol' Meany)

Feel Free To Disregard...

... coz all I'm gonna do is bitch.  About the usual, too.  We're just in from a routine visit with our favorite dental hygienist followed by a re-supply trip out to Wally-World, the visit with the Lovely Victoria bein' the better part of that excursion.   For it is miserable outdoors, Gentle Reader:

I can handle the heat... that ain't no Big Deal... but I have issues with the wind (as you well know).  We're right on the cusp of the safety zone where my awning is concerned and we have chosen to leave it furled, discretion being the better part of valor and all that.  I hope the wind dies down by tomorrow, coz I hate to think of the impact direct sun will have on El Casa Móvil de Pennington when the temp is 106.  That could get brutal.