We have a cat problem here at Beautiful La Hacienda Trailer Park... exacerbated, in part, by clue-free asshats who leave the lids on the community dumpsters open after depositing their trash, which turns said dumpsters into a VERY popular and well-attended cat soup kitchen. I've been startled out of my shoes by cat explosions when approaching the dumpsters to drop off my trash... and I'm talking sumthin' on the order of 25 or so of the damned things, all bolting pell-mell out of the dumpster and into my face or thereabouts. It can be unnerving, to say the very least.
It looks like our cat population has increased by at least four recently. I've been entertained by this small cat-clan... momma and four kittens... these last three nights while sitting out on the verandah during After Dinner Whiskey Hour and I have to admit: they are cute lil buggers. I didn't have my camera at the ready until tonight and true to form our resident kittens decided NOT to cavort in my general vicinity, opting instead to hang around the neighbor's premises. Yet I still managed to get a couple o' few shots.
One adventurous kitteh decided to scope me out from the safety of the tree, about ten feet from me.
I won't think they're so damned cute the first time the family jumps into my face at the dumpsters.
Update, later that same day: Someone's been hangin' around BLHTP's dumpsters.

Heh. OK, no more cats. This post contains EIP's entire lifetime supply.
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