Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

A Quick Hit

Ah.  We feel MUCH better today after sleeping the sleep of the just.  That last may be overstating the case a bit, but I DID sleep well... and long, too, albeit in shifts.  I don't sleep well away from home but I got at least eight hours of shut-eye last evening, split into two sessions.

I ate well last evening; I had a mediocre steak, some ahi tuna (like that pictured: it's kinda like sushi for gaijins), and washed it all down with a Big-Ass Patron Margarita.  Dining was an interesting experience, to say the least.  I'm staying at a Courtyard By Marriott (my road lodging of choice) and there happened to be an Outback Steakhouse within walking distance of the Courtyard.  I was pretty well wiped out by the time I was all checked in last evening, seeing as how I didn't get to the motel until nearly 1800 hrs and my day began at 0200.  So I hoofed it over to the Outback. 

I like Outback.  A lot.  They do Good Things for our troops and the food is always pretty damned good.  Nothing wrong with this organization at all!  I like 'em even more after last evening... I'll spare ya a lot of detail and just cut to the chase.  I ordered my steak rare: warm red center.  My waitress asked if I REALLY wanted "rare," and I confirmed.  The steak was served medium well.  I sighed and didn't want to send it back, as tired as I was... I just cut in to the thing and began eating.  The waitress drops by and sez "how's everything?" as I was putting my third bite in my mouth... and I simply showed her my steak was anything BUT rare.  She offered to take it back; I declined.  I was pleasantly surprised when it came time to settle up: the manager had comped my steak.  Total bill: $18.00.  I tipped my waitress a tenner and called it a night...

Well, ALMOST a night.  We walked back to the Courtyard, bought a couple o' beers ("Craft" beers: a Blue Moon and a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, from Courtyard's "Craft Beer Selection") and adjourned to the outdoors to sit on an uncomfortable wrought iron park bench under the parking lot's trees, drink my beer, and enjoy a cigar.  Ah... life in smoke-free 21st Century America.  I feel a rant coming on, so I'll just stop now.

So now it's off to the shower and then off to the airport.

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