Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Happy Summer

The solstice occurs at 1716 hrs GMT today... which is 1016 hrs here on the beautiful High Plains of New Mexico... and that means summer is officially here.  Yays! And all that.  Today is also the longest day of the year in terms of available sunlight.  It's all downhill after today in that particular space (heh.  space... geddit?).

Today looks like it would be a perfect day to do something other than spend it in a shop watching The Green Hornet get a new top and having the slightly torn upholstery on her driver's seat repaired, but that's exactly what I'm gonna do.  At least it's only gonna be warm... 88 is the forecast high... as opposed to hot, like it's been the last few days.  It's also supposed to be relatively calm, too.  Thank The Deity At Hand for small big-ass favors! 

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