Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

In Which I'm Deified

I kid thee not.  I AM a god in certain circles, which comes as much of a shock to me as it prolly does to you, Gentle Reader.  But I have proof from the ever-reliable Site Meter, which is something of a blogger's Oracle.  Regarde:

Note our googler's search term:  "Portales New Mexico god."  This is what our googler saw... and clicked through in order to get a better view of our god-like self:

OK, so I'm a minor P-Ville god, given ya gotta scroll down to page three of the results.  I'm thinkin' Pan or Dionysus had similar rankings and/or status in another, older pantheon and I'd most definitely settle for bein' a modern-day Pan.  Or Dionysus.  Bring me my nymphs!

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