Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Another Sign of the Impending Apocalypse (An Occasional EIP Series)


Bronies?  That would be slang for guys... adult MEN (heh)... who love "My Little Pony."  Say WHAT?  All is revealed here.  A quote:
While Faust acknowledges that her work on The Powerpuff Girls influenced her creative process and that she intentionally looked to create a show that could be enjoyed by adults, she said she’s genuinely surprised about the large number of dedicated bronies, whom she clearly adores.

“This might be a little short-sighted on my part, but I just assumed that any adult man who didn’t have a little girl wouldn’t even give it a try,” Faust said in a phone interview. “The fact that they did and that they were open-minded and cool enough and secure in their masculinity enough to embrace it and love it and go online and talk about how much they love it — I’m kind of proud.”

Faust brings up a good point. Aside from a few brony-haters, blessedly very little (negative) hay seems to get made over dudes liking something that’s “supposed to be for girls” (like, for example, the way girls would be side-eyed for liking Transformers in years past).  (Image credit: Hub TV)
What?  We don't have enough "negative hay" at the moment?  That's only because some of us JUST became aware of the phenomenon and I ain't buyin' that "secure in their masculinity" crock.  Bein' a brony is something that would require elaborate cover-up schemes, a dark basement, and  CIA/NSA-strength encryption for any and all communication on the subject.  In my circles, anyhoo... and I don't imagine I'm out of the mainstream.  We ain't talkin' pink flamingos here.

I might could change my mind if Young Lauren tried to convince me there might be "certain benefits" of comin' over to the darkest corner of a VERY Dark Side.

Nah.  Not even for Young Lauren.  A guy HAS to have standards.

(h/t:  A tweet from Andy Levy.)

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