Senin, 11 April 2011


As in: someone finally found the switch and turned that infernal wind machine OFF.  We're just in from the day's errands and today is as pretty a day as we've seen in these parts in a month or at least it feels that way.  Note:

It goes without sayin' that we WILL be taking today's Happy Hour outdoors on the verandah.  And we've decided to kick off gin & tonic season in honor of this perfect day.  Ain't this purty!

Our soundtrack today?  Why... the Gin Blossoms, of course.

Full disclosure:  we are entirely free of gin blossoms, in the medical sense.  As of this moment, anyhoo... there bein' no guarantees on the future.

Now, if you'll excuse me, Gentle Reader, the Great Outdoors (heh) is calling.

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