So there I was, sitting on the verandah, deep into today's WSJ, puffing occasionally on my second cigar of the day and enjoying my second beer when Pandora decides to bring this ol' chestnut around ...
...which stopped me dead in my tracks. I shut the Kindle, sang along, and fell back into that same, oh-so-lovely daydream that happens EVERY time I hear this song.
Amie what you wanna do? I think I could stay with you For a while, maybe longer Longer if I do
I knew an Am(ie)y once upon a time... well over 30 years ago... in both a space and time that's long ago and far away. "My" Amy was a friend of a friend who came to Westby, Montana to visit and stayed at my place for the duration of her visit, mainly because the mutual friend Amy came to see was a single female airperson who lived in the barracks and I had a pretty nice house with a comfy couch. Amy slept on that couch the first night she was in Westby but never again after that. Strange how that sorta thing happens...
Amy's visit in Westby lasted only a week or perhaps a little longer, but what a week that was! The girl was prolly 20 years of age at that time and in her prime; I was three years on the wrong side of 30 but that was close enough for gub'mint work. I wound up taking a few days of unplanned leave just to spend as much time with this woman as I possibly could before she vanished into my past. That was a GOOD decision, Gentle Reader.
Young Amy and I corresponded for a time after she returned to Ohio but nothing more happened after that; our communication ceased after a while. Well, nothing happened except for The Second Mrs. Pennington finding Amy's letters to me shortly after TSMP and I married... and she subsequently burned them (along with all the other letters I'd received from former lovers), without my permission. Which is QUITE another story and one that still pisses me off when I think about it, even after all these years.
The image isn't the Amy I knew (I found it in a generic Google search for "dark eyed beauty"), but it's close.
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