Thank you. A thousand thank-yous! You turned off the wind machine and we are MOST grateful... so much so that we shall have our second beer in your honor today, whoever you are. This is what the WX guys out at Cannon Airplane Patch say our current conditions look like:
But they LIE, coz it's as close to dead still as it gets around here... AND it's cool. There's no need for the awning today; we shall sit and read on the verandah in direct sun. And we'll love it.
Speakin' of love... imagined, in this case... we picked up our eye-meds at the Cannon pharmacy earlier this afternoon and indulged in a lil snappy repartee with a young female Master Sergeant who was working behind the counter. The good sergeant had THE most fetching manner about her, including sparkly dark eyes and a melodious and lilting laugh. They sure don't make MSgts like they used to... and I'm thinkin' that's a GOOD thing in this particular case. The lady made my day.
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