Kamis, 14 April 2011

Ryan On Rose

I love Charlie Rose's show and I think I may have mentioned this a time or two in these pages.  I DO have an issue with Ol' Charlie, though... I think he should allow embedding certain segments of his show, if only in the interest of a better informed public.  Last night's show was one such, seein' as how Mr. Rose had Jack Lew,The One's budget director; Representative Paul Ryan (who needs no introduction in these pages); and Steven Pearlstein, a WaPo columnist for the full hour.  The best thing about Mr. Rose's show is he goes beyond sound-bites, indulging in lengthy discussion with his guests... which obviously brings clarity to the issue at hand.  It's great good stuff and one of the best shows on my teevee (and yours, too... assuming you watch).

The topic last evening was The One's budget speech yesterday, as you might gather from the guest list.  Mr. Lew's performance was predictably apologetic, and that's bein' kind... bullshit bein' a much more descriptive word.  Mr. Ryan, OTOH, pulled no punches and called it as he sees it.  It should come as no surprise my view coincides with Rep. Ryan's view... who basically said "The President has no plan.  All he has is a speech."   And... wonder of wonders... Mr. Pearlstein came down HARD on Obama, so much so that I was mildly shocked.

All that said... I found this lil clip on the Tube of You.  Skip forward to about the 41 second mark, wherein Mr. Ryan begins his comments.  Or watch the whole thing... it's up to you.

Like it?  If so, I'd recommend you hie yerfineself off to Charlie Rose's site and watch the whole thing (today the segment begins once you hit the site; alternatively you can click on "last night" or search for April 13th, if you go after today).  The show is broken up into three segments so you're not forced to swallow all of Mr. Lew's crap.  Representative Ryan's comments are keepers, and he is deadly serious... as opposed to our UNserious president, of course.

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