Minggu, 17 April 2011

News Item Blatant Self-Promotion

A lot of you Gentle Readers won't watch the vid below or even read the comments because of the R-rated subject matter.  So, in my own enlightened self-interest, here's what the sole comment to that post sez:
Laurie said...
All Buck's followers:

I nominated Buck in the milbloggies, but they need at least 3 more nominations of Air Force blogs to keep the category open for voting.

So go nominate some more AF blogs, but preferably not, you know, the really wildly well known ones :-)

Go here

Hurry, nominations end today!
The astute among you have noticed there's a Milbloggie Finalist badge in my sidebar, but that's only because there aren't any Air Force blogs of note.  I've often wondered why that is but I gave up thinkin' about the subject quite some time ago... it prolly has sumthin' to do with it's "Not Your Father's Air Force."  But... just for grins and giggles... here's a list of Air Force blogs on milblogging.com.

And thanks, Laurie!  You're SO sweet!

Update, 1800 hrs (Sunday):  This just hit my in-box:
Nominations in the 2011 Milbloggies are nearly finished.  Almost half of the categories are now closed to nominations, however the deadline for the following categories has been extended by 24 hours to Monday, April 18, in the hope of getting the minimum number of eligible nominees in each category.

Best U.S. Coast Guard Blog Nominations

Best U.S. Reporter Blog Nominations

Best U.S. Military Veteran Blog Nominations

Best U.S. Air Force Blog Nominations

Best U.S. Navy Blog Nominations

Best U.S. Military Parent Blog Nominations

Please remember, you must leave a comment in order to nominate a blog. 

If you don’t see a comment for your favorite blog or if it has been placed in the wrong category, please make sure to visit one of the links above and make sure it gets left.

More information here.
Well, how about that? An additional 24 hours to submit nominations in multiple categories. Interest in the Milbloggies must not be all that great this year.

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