...of a fortnight ago:
Today was a classic case of "Second verse, same as the first!" Sorta. This week's Adventures in Aging went a lot faster than our last, seein' as how Dr. Watterberg only had about half the procedures today as she did last week. We were at Roosevelt General at 0800 hrs and asleep in El Casa Móvil De Pennington around 1015 hrs.
As for the procedure itself... I went in thinkin' it would be a piece o' cake, since Round One went really well. Well... not so much, to my surprise. I felt a lot more discomfort this morning and Dr. Watterberg made a couple of "sorry!" remarks when I winced a time or two. The process seemed to take longer, as well. But mebbe that's coz I wanted this to be OVER, thank ya. And over it is. Don't get the wrong ideer, Gentle Reader. This wasn't an ordeal or anything... just minor discomfort. I've had a helluva lot worse experiences at the dentist, believe me.
So we're enjoying our long-delayed morning coffee and just hangin' out until it's time for our first follow up this afternoon. I have to wear The Fly's hand-me-down eye for the rest of the day and can't drive until tomorrow. And we WILL drive tomorrow, straight to Wally-World to buy us some interim reading glasses for computer and close-up work. It is now perfectly clear to me I was using my unfixed eye to do those sorts of things for the past two weeks... mainly coz I can't see close up worth a damn now. The work-around ain't workin' out too well, either:
Update, 1350 hrs: I replaced the first image with one I like better, mainly coz I can be a vain sumbitch at times. And, apropos of not much, I got the Usual, Customary, and (un)Reasonable post-op briefing which contained the "no alcohol for 24 hours" warning... at which time I stopped the post-op nurse and asked "why?" "We're required to say that," was the answer, followed by an off-the-record discussion about alcohol, anesthesia (which I didn't have), and other germane topics. Bottom line: there WILL be a Happy Hour this evening, just as there was last evening.
Update II, 1745 hrs: Zounds! I'm not one to flog dead draft animals, but now that I'm binocular the improvement in my vision is simply astounding. We're back from the first follow-up over in The Big(ger) City™ and all is good. Better than good, since I had granddaughter Felicity whip by Walgreen's so I could pick up a pair of spiffy new reading glasses, and Boy Howdy can we ever see clearly now! I'm simply stunned at the improvement, so much so that it brings to mind that ol' '60s-era thang: "The colors... maaaan... the COLORS!" In a completely different context, of course.

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