I'd need a much better costume to be a proper pirate but I DO have the eye patch:
We're just up from a two and a half hour nap (which we took on doctor's orders) and we're writing this as we wait for the coffee to finish brewing. Getting up at oh-dark-thirty and going without coffee this morning just MIGHT have been the most difficult aspect of the whole experience, which was... interesting. I'll not bore you with details, Gentle Reader (Me: "Let me tell you about my operation!" You: "No...no... AIIIEEE!"), but will only say it's just pretty weird to be laying on an operating table, fully conscious, while someone slices and dices your eyeball... and you KNOW they're slicing and dicing.
Things went well, as far as I know. It was three hours at the hospital... which involved over two hours of waiting and prep, 15 minutes on the table, 20 minutes in the recovery room... and back home. I'll know more after my first follow-up late this afternoon. Suffice to say I can see semi-well but I won't be doing much computer work or reading at least until tomorrow.
Coffee's done!
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