Jumat, 22 April 2011

This Just In...

Hoo Boy...
Finalists have been chosen in the Fifth Annual Milbloggies. 

I apologize for the slight delay, but voting will start on Monday, April 25. 

The online voting will be handled by Voices Heard Media using their powerful and easy-to-use polls. 

An announcement will go out by e-mail via the Milblogging.com newsletter and will also be posted on the Milbloggies site on Monday as soon as voting is ready to begin.

In the meantime (in no particular order), here are the 2011 Milbloggies Finalists. 

Thank you to everyone who entered their nominations. 

See the full list of Finalists here.
And why the "Hoo Boy?"  Only because this is the competition...
U.S. Military Veteran
This ain’t Hell http://thisainthell.us/blog

The Stupid Shall Be Punished http://bubbleheads.blogspot.com/

Bouhammer’s Afghanistan & Military Blog http://www.bouhammer.com/

Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah’s Military Guys http://www.thedonovan.com

Afghan Quest http://afghanquest.com/

The Sniper http://www.thesniper.us

Toby Nunn’s Briefing Room http://www.tobynunn.com

Exile in Portales http://exileinportales.blogspot.com/

Neptunus Lex http://www.neptunuslex.com/

Red Bull Rising http://www.redbullrising.com/p/about-this-blog.html
No. Chance. In. Hell.  I mean... WTF?  Me and my blogfaddah in the same category?  Oh, well.  It was nice bein' nominated... and MANY thanks to all you Gentle Readers who took the time to put a good word in for me.  I love you ALL.

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