Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Apropos o' Nuthin' IX

Quite some time ago I saw a meme on one of the blogs I read... or maybe it was just a question.  Anyhoo, the question was "if you could have a song played every time you entered a room, what would that song be?"  I think my original answer was the first few bars of "Sympathy For The Devil," i.e., "Please allow me to introduce myself..." yadda, yadda.  But I've reconsidered.

I want this piece o' music to announce my entrance:

Without the voice-over, of course.  The "Nova" theme just might be a little over the top, but I love the music.  How about you, Gentle Reader?  What would be your personal "Hail to the Chief?"


Apropos o' not much...  Mrs. Palin's new poll numbers were released yesterday and they are NOT good.  Here's John Hinderaker on the subject of Mrs. Palin:
The time has come to put any thoughts of Sarah Palin running for President to rest. I say that not because I dislike her; on the contrary, I'm a fan. I think she did an excellent job as a vice-presidential candidate in 2008 and has been an effective spokeswoman for conservative causes in the years since. But there is no way she is ever going to be elected President, and the sooner Republicans get over that idea, the better.


No one with a 59 percent unfavorability rating among independents has the chance of a snowball in Hell of being elected President. 2012 will be a vitally important election year; it is no time for a kamikaze Presidential campaign or for a cult of personality.
Republicans (and conservatives) need a candidate who has a chance to win against an incumbent who, despite everything, is not particularly unpopular and who won't be able to do much visible damage between now and then.

One hopes that Governor Palin will see the writing on the wall and devote her energies to helping the conservative movement and other, better-positioned candidates rather than to pursuing a Presidential ambition that can only prove destructive.
Agreed, yet again.  Mr. Hinderaker and YrHmblScrb are of the same mind and I like his kamikaze metaphor.  One can only hope Mrs. Palin recognizes the futility of a presidential campaign on her part and does the right thing.  One would also hope her smitten base would wake up and smell the coffee, as well.  But there's little or no hope for the Dead Enders; they'll be there long after Mrs. Palin's gone... still bowing, still curtsying.  God Save the Queen!


Oops.  I read this lil blurb after I drafted this post:
DES MOINES, Iowa -- Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has tasked her aides with quietly gauging her level of support for a potential presidential campaign by making inquiries to a select pool of likely allies and grassroots activists in Iowa, RealClearPolitics has learned.

Key Republican officials and operatives in the nation's first voting state had begun to assume that Palin would not run for president in 2012 since most of them have not heard a word from her or from her small circle of aides, even as other likely candidates have begun jockeying more forcefully behind the scenes. But a Palin adviser confirmed that although the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee's footprint has not been as heavy as that of other possible candidates, her political action committee has indeed been taking discreet steps in Iowa that would help her build a credible campaign here if she decided to launch one.
Well, I suppose the jury's still out... but this isn't good news.  As Blake Hounshell (the managing editor of Foreign Policy Magazine) puts it:
Words of doom RT @marcambinder: Sarah Palin establishing a small beachhead in Iowa.
Update, 1300 hrs:  We have to add our favorite former Naval Radiator to this thread.  Let me quote, yet again:
Like Taranto, I don’t believe that Mrs. Palin’s resume qualifies her to be president. But then again, neither do I believe that the current president’s resume prior to his election qualified him for the task.

But I don’t hate him. Hate is such a waste of energy.
What he saidThe adults in the room all seem to have a common POV in this space.  Why is that, I wonder?

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