Senin, 10 Januari 2011

A Third-World Kinda Night

I thought for a few minutes this evening that I'd been picked up and set down somewhere near Tikrit, given the lack of stability in our power grid here on The High Plains of New Mexico.  We had eight... count 'em... eight power outages between 1800 and 2000 hrs, the last of which had me pacing the floor as it lasted nearly half an hour.  And this on the coldest night of the season, so far.  It might have been all of 12 degrees outside the last time the power dumped but I have no idea, really.  The temp was 11 when the juice was restored around 2030, apparently for good.  This sort of inconvenience is actually more than that... it's life-threatening.  Do you know how quickly an RV cools off when the temperature approaches single digits?  Short answer: Very.

The timing for the outages was just about perfect: I missed the last three minutes of the first half of the BCS championship game and a few of the plays during the short bumps before the long outage.  And about that game: THE most entertaining BCS  bowl we've seen all year.   What a finish!

Congrats to Auburn.  But it sure was a near-run thing for those Tigers.

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