Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

I Wondered About That

"That" being the fact not a single Red Wing forward was chosen for this year's All-Star game.  One of the answers:
“I think it’s best for our team, I think it’s best for me.  If I was 100 percent, I would love to go. But now, the situation with the injuries we have and the way it’s been going lately, I think it’s best for everyone.’’
-Henrik Zetterberg of the Detroit Red Wings talking about the NHL honoring the request that he not be selected for the ASG.
(h/t to the usual hockey source) I also imagine Pavel Datsyuk's injured status is why he wasn't selected, either.  But what about Franzen, Filippula, or Holmstrom?  Enquiring Minds™ wanna know.

The Wings ain't the only team suffering from a rash of injuries, either.  Go here for a comprehensive list.

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