Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

OK, So We All Heard Olbermann Got Fired

But I found out via Twitter.  Like this:
  1. Say what you will about Keith Olbermann, but... well, okay, say what you will.  

  2. #NewOlbermannJobs cohost of Keith & Kathy's Morning Zoo Crew on WIWW, Youngston's all-Socialist Sports 500 watt blowtorch 

  3. #NewOlbermannJobs Commissioner of the National Hysterical Ninny Association 

  4. #NewOlbermannJobs sobbing in fetal position on the floor of his apartment surrounded by baseball cards. Does that count as a job? 

  5. At long last, sir, have you no job? 

  6. I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if 0.6 ratings points suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced 

  7. Dear Keith: Good night, and get f*cked. 

All of the above from David Burge, Number Seven being my favorite.  And you KNOW there were a lot more such Tweets from other interested parties, the Right having no mercy.  No mercy was called for in this case, anyhoo.  As a matter o' fact, I had another beer just to celebrate the occasion.

Why did Olbermann leave MS-NBC?  No one really knows, as of late Friday night.  But the thread on the subject at Hot Air makes for interesting reading.  He'll not be missed in these parts.

As for the Lefties?  Gad.  The Fever Swamps are acting like somebody shot their dog.  It's worse than the mid-terms... and a whole helluva lot o' fun to watch.  Yup: Schadenfreude 'R' Us!

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