Senin, 03 Januari 2011

That's a Whole HELLUVA Lot o' People!

And other "fun" facts...

But you know all this if you subscribe to the magazine, coz this is what's on this month's cover (which I've yet to read, but I'll get a round tuit).  (I actually own a round tuit.  I'd scan it for ya if I could find it.)  (Well, make that "if I looked for it, found it, and THEN scanned it for ya.")  (But we're fresh out o' the motivation required for such activity.)

Ya learn a lot by reading blogs, yanno?  Today I learned what "dactyl" means (Lex taught me that, by way o' dictionary-dot-com).  I also learned today is some old hippie's birthday.  You should wander over to Canada, eh? for a four-tune retrospective, assuming ya like ol' hippie music (and I DO) (but that should be obvious by now).  

We're tryin' for a new personal best on the parenthetical asides (we just may have made it, too) (but we're just guessin')  (Yeah, it's a slow day here at El Casa Móvil De Pennington.  Why do you ask?).

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