Rabu, 26 Januari 2011


Yeah, I watched it.  I had it in my mind to limit my comments to a screen-shot of the US debt clock, but Mz. Benson beat me to it.

It was pretty much the same ol', same ol'... except for the fact The One actually came out and admitted the US is an exceptional country, in his own oblique sorta way, of course.  One good thing: Boehner is much easier on the eyes than Pop-Up Nancy With The Botox Smile.  I'm grateful for small gifts.

That said... I don't wanna hear another goddamned word about "investments" unless it's how much you cut from the budget and apply to the deficit.  Paying down our debt is the best "investment" we can make at the moment.  Nota bene, Mr. President... you need to listen to Representative Ryan.  Attentively.

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